Home Trading Trading Instruments XAGEURe

Chart of XAGEURe

0.1 (+45.91%)
Supply/demand: 30.099/30.139
Day range: 30.3058/29.9461
Spread: -
Close: 30.2405
Open: 30.1206
Supply/demand: 30.099/30.139
Day range: 30.3058/29.9461
Spread: 0.1
Close: 30.2405
Open: 30.1206
Current price rate and chart XAGEURe online
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Silver is traded on exchanges as XAG. As this instrument, the precious metal is traded against one of the most liquid currencies, the euro. The price moves upwards when silver becomes cheaper, while the euro more expensive. It’s rather natural, since currency and precious metals have a negative correlation. The basics of technical analysis are required to make profit from this instrument.
Build your strategy around the intraday trading principle. Some investors prefer analyzing the price movement using the D1 chart. Standard indicators present in Trading Platform and other popular terminals are sufficient for the technical analysis: Parabolic, Bollinger Bands, RSI, MACD. Candlestick patters are also useful here, as they allow to determine the reversal points with negligible error.

How to make money XAGEURe

  1. Register and open an account.

  2. Deposit using any convenient method.
  3. Install a trading terminal or trade directly in your browser.

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