Home Trading Trading Instruments JP225

Chart of JP225

0.0 (+37.89%)
Supply/demand: 39129/39135
Day range: /
Spread: -
Close: 39112.1311
Open: 39112.1311
Supply/demand: 39129/39135
Day range: /
Spread: 0.0
Close: 39112.1311
Open: 39112.1311
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JP 225 (Nikkei 225) the most important index for the Tokyo Stock Exchange, it is an average value of the stock prices of 225 largest Japanese companies across 35 different economic sectors. Traditionally, Japan’s most developed sector is electronics. Among other highly developed fields are the chemical industry, finance, mechanical engineering and automotive industry. The list of companies is updated every year, the index value during the trading session is updated every 15 seconds.
As many as 225 different companies are included in the index, making it one of the best in terms of risk diversification. Considered to be among the five most important stock indices in the world.
The value of the Nikkei 255 is known to be highly unpredictable, since the prices of the included shares often move in different directions. This makes this index difficult for trading as a beginner. Moreover, some stock prices often make very sharp swings which are difficult for inexperienced traders to adapt to.

How to make money JP225

  1. Register and open an account.

  2. Deposit using any convenient method.
  3. Install a trading terminal or trade directly in your browser.

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