Home About the company Blog The "Managed Accounts" service has been improved

The "Managed Accounts" service has been improved


Grand Capital Company introduces two additional ways of payments between an investor and manager of the service "Managed Accounts".
Added two new ways of payments:
  • The system of payments "shopping the interval";
The commission is paid after the fixed date. The manager chooses the period to the date (3, 6 or 12 months).
The commission is charged for the total profit obtained over the entire trading period and transferred to account specially opened for the commission. Commission is not charged in the absence of total profit.
  • The system of payments "subscription pay";
Payments for the time using the investor's account is attached to the account manager as a commission.
The funds are debited every day and transferred to a special account opened specifically for the investor open to receive commissions by manager. Account is automatically disabled in the absence of the special account of the investor.
Manager chooses the system of payments before opening an account.
Additional payments system between the investor and the manager will allow different investors to find convenient way to work with the manager.
Besides, there is additional innovation managed accounts service:
  • Introduced the Minimum equity.
"The minimum equity" determines the amount of funds in which the investor's account is attached to the manager’s account.
Account automatically disconnects from the manager’s  account  when funds in the investor’s account is less than the minimum size of equity.
Investor may establish and change This option in the Private Office.

Author: admin

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