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Trading schedule during Easter holidays


Trading platform

Dear clients!

In observance of the upcoming Good Friday on April 10th, 2020 and Easter Monday on April 13th, 2020, certain changes will be introduced to the trading schedule. Please refer to the table below for the updated schedule for all instruments subject to change:


Symbol Description

 April …

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Grand Capital enters top-3 most active brokers in Asia


Company news

Grand Capital made it to Top-3 at AtoZ Markets 2020 Awards in the nomination “Most Active Broker in Asia”.

Despite the global quarantine and crisis, our company keeps providing services of high quality, so that traders could trade seamlessly and achieve their best results in Forex! 

We at Grand Capital …

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Company services during the coronavirus outbreak


Company news

Dear clients and partners!

As everyone else right now we are following the new coronavirus pandemic with great concern, and the health and safety of our clients, partners, employees, and everyone we know is a priority for us. At the same time, we would like to promise that Grand Capital …

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36 new cryptocurrency pairs on Crypto accounts!


Trading instruments

New cryptocurrency instruments are to become available for trading in MetaTrader 4 on Crypto accounts on March 30th, 2020. Most of the new pairs are crosses involving popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Etherium, Ripple, Litecoin, and Binance Coin. This addition will raise the total number of cryptocurrency instruments …

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Grand Capital launches a blog for traders


Company news



Our company continues to expand its range of useful content offerings for traders and investors. Recently we have launched a new section on our website: company blog where we will regularly publish educational articles, studies, news commentary, market analysis, and much more.

The new company blog is designed …

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How to profit during the crisis?


Company news

The coronavirus pandemic has triggered a dramatic chain of events that are plunging the world into crisis. What does it mean for traders and investors, and why an economic crisis is the right time for trading? Let’s figure this out with the help of experts from Grand Capital.

Any global …

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We wish you a happy Women’s Day!


Company news

Grand Capital team wishes all women a happy International Women’s Day. We’re pleased to share that there are more and more women among our clients with each year!

March 8th is the day of solidarity of women fighting for equal rights and emancipation across the world. Grand Capital team is …

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Changes in trading schedule due to the start of daylight saving time


Trading platform

Please be advised that certain changes will be introduced to the trading schedule due to the start of daylight saving time from March 9th to March 27th, 2020 in the US, and from March 30th in the UK. Please refer to the table below for the schedule of all instruments …

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Headquarters of Grand Capital Africa office opened in Namibia


Regional Offices

Grand Capital is a company that strives to be closer to our clients, and it’s very important for traders to get timely advice from trained professionals. We continue to earn the trust of our clients in Africa, and today we’re pleased to announce that Namibian traders can now find free …

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Changes in trading schedule on March 9th, 2020


Trading platform

In observance of the upcoming International Women's Day in Russia, on March 9th, 2020, all Russian stock CFDs, as well as currency pairs USDRUB and EURRUB will be unavailable for trading.

Please, take this information into account while planning your trading activities. The instruments mentioned above will become available for …

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